Discover How Easy Growing Can Be
We've created an easier way to grow sustainably without the hassles of raised beds or persnickety hydroponic systems that require testing and adding chemicals.

1. Pick a wall and plants
We'll suggest plants based on your location. Everything you need is shipped directly to you! No trips to the store.

2. Set up the wall
Wall assembles in 5 minutes. Plant the seedlings OR we do the planting for you and plants arrive ready to grow.

3. Sit back, relax, & let it grow
Ready to harvest in 2-3 weeks, and then start again. Plant. Eat. Repeat!

Wheels with Breaks
18 Plants on 1-Side
Built-in Irrigation

- Automate watering without the worry.

No time to replenish your plants after harvest? No problem - we can do it for you with Planted Produce!
We ship you plants ready to go right on the wall.

- Save water usage (99% savings over typical garden beds)
- Grow in Soil and sequester carbon from the air.
- Eliminate pesticides in your diet.
- Less trips to market - save on gas and grocery bill.
- Eliminate the extra plastic that comes with produce packaging.

Most common questions answered here.
The Planted Wall has been designed for growing outdoors. For optimal results, you want to find a spot that gets at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight a day.
It takes up a space of 2 feet by 2 feet (roughly the same space as a person standing).
You can grow on a deck, patio, high rise balcony, yard - it's endless the choices.
We grow with the seasons. That means we work with growers to provide the organic seedlings that will thrive during the different seasons of the year. You can choose from curated bundles or if you know what you want to grow - you can custom select the varieties that you know you like!
Let's start with the water bill- you save 99% water when you grow on the Planted Wall using the recirculating watering system versus a raised garden bed with a drip system.
Next, there's the average budget of $30-40 spent weekly at the grocery store, farmers market, or CSA box. Average household ends up with 40% food waste - primarily produce (which ends up in the landfill - causing methane gas). Compare that to an average seedling & soil replenish expense of $30-40 every 6 weeks.
Lastly, there are the hidden costs of building your own raised bed - materials, organic soil, amendments, ongoing maintenance, and initial labor add up to on average $1,100.
Everything you need to get started PLUS extras!
Planted Wall includes:
- Wall System: A complete system for growing plants in soil on a vertical structure:
- Durable recyclable aluminum frame: powder-coated aluminum frame on wheels
- Recirculating irrigation system irrigation system,
- 9 Gallon water basin & float valve
- High pressure pump for vertical growing - 12V DC brushless
- 18 hanging pots - manufactured polypropylene for high temperatures, custom designed for vertical growing.
- 18 bio-degradable nursery grow bags - allows for plants to aerate and reduces root bound conditions. Made out of recyclable and compostable material.
- Garden Accessories: Farmers market bag and garden accessories (clippers, tags, essentials that every gardener needs)
- Organic Soil + Organic Additives: rich microbial "magic" soil and amendments to plant your first seedlings.
We grow with the seasons! So in most climates, you will be able to grow year round. However, you can pause your subscription at anytime or skip shipments if you're traveling for extended periods of time or the rough winter or summer season gets in the way.
If you live in a location where the temperatures dip below freezing, then you will want to wait until night temperatures are in the 40's consistently.
On the occasional dips into the 30's, you can cover with a sheet or bring them indoors for that time period. The breeze is good for plants and helps to keep bugs at bay so growing outdoors is optimal.
For warmer environments (above 90 degrees consistently), you'll want to grow heat tolerant fruiting plants (tomatoes and peppers) and herbs primarily.
Seedling frequency is how often we will send new seedlings for you to replenish in your Planted Wall.
You are in control when it comes to the frequency. When you first start, the membership automatically sets you up for a quarterly shipment of seasonal varieties. You can modify this default at any time by simply logging into the system and changing the quantity, frequency and type of seedlings you would like to receive!
You are only billed for the membership when you receive your seedling shipments (but you get access to the membership every month regardless of shipments!)
Seedlings were meant to be eaten which means they don't last forever! Every climate has different variables so how often you harvest and refresh your pots with new seedlings will vary.
Initially you will plant all seedlings so that your wall is full. Once you start to receive your seedling replenishment shipments -you can expect to be replacing 6 to 12 plants each time. This depends on how often you harvest and your growing conditions.
We recommend monthly rotation during peak growing seasons and every other month for slower growing seasons like during the winter months.
If you're growing primarily herbs, you'll want to choose a quarterly frequency.