Exclusive Membership Includes all the perks for growing easily!

Automatic replenishment shipments with everything needed to grow based on your desired schedule!

Private member website where you will find live monthly trainings, member resource center, expert interviews, and more.

Monthly Deep dive workshop trainings with expert gardeners, nutritionists, chefs, and wellness coaches.

Exclusive Member Only Pricing on additional Planted Places curated products including Seasonal Grow and Veggie Kits.

Monthly garden checklists and access to our very own Plant Doctor for custom feedback for all your garden questions and concerns.

Private Facebook community to connect with other gardeners, ask advice, share successes and so much more.
Do you have questions about your specific location or individual situation?
Book a free call with our founder, Christy!

Put Your Shipments on
We provide everything you need! The first time you order you will receive a starter kit, which includes:
Seedlings, soil, grow pots, fertilizer, mycorrhizal fungi, microgreens, metal stake plant labels, instructions, and a small journal to keep track of everything!
Seedling Quantities that Fits your Lifestyle

6 Seedlings
6 fresh organic seedlings growing in living soil and felt grow pots. Use them as an edible centerpiece if you want! They will brighten, delight, and feed you all year 4-6 hours of bright sun a day and the smallest of space and you are in business!

12 Seedlings
12 fresh organic seedings a month, once you get into a mature rotation, will produce enough food for a small family. Your garden will easily provide a small salad at dinner 3-4 nights a week and a smoothie or two for sure!

18 Seedlings
18 fresh organic seedlings a month. Your plants are happy, your gut health is optimized and your space has been transformed! You are happily feeding your family of 4 and you are a pesto master!

You are in control when it comes to your membership. After you've received your starter kit, we'll ship you more seedlings and supplies based on your chosen frequency! Option to custom select your seedling variety throughout the year.

You have the option to receive 6, 12, or 18 gorgeous fresh organic seedlings rotating in living soil and felt grow pots each month.

Every 2 Months
You have the option to receive 6, 12, or 18 gorgeous fresh organic seedlings rotating in living soil and felt grow pots every 2 months.

You have the option to receive 6, 12, or 18 gorgeous fresh organic seedlings rotating in living soil and felt grow pots seasonally, every 3 months.