Maximizing Space for Successive Planting
Successive planting is a good way to get the best yield from a garden. In the warmer months, plants tend to grow quickly and may have to be pruned back so that the energy they produce can be used most efficiently. This also helps make room for new crops, and harvesting plants at their peak can further ensure the garden is optimized in terms of productivity. By implementing these measures, gardeners can ensure their garden is productive and plentiful.
Maximizing Space
Successively Planting
At a certain point, you might notice your cool crops aren't doing as well, but your other plants are. That goes into understanding another way to maximize your space, which is planting successively. So instead of planting everything at once and then just being done for the season, you want to be continually growing!
This is so easy with Planted Places since you're continually getting seedlings, you're already in that habit. But it's key to know when to harvest and then when to replace your plants. A lot of times we like to hold onto things. It's hard to harvest sometimes when the plants look full and beautiful! But you have to because that's when it's at its peak taste. Try out any of our grow kits to see what we're talking about!
After harvesting a plant, it gives you space where now you can plant something else. So don't wait too long to harvest a plant when it's at its best, know when it's best to replace it and grow successively. You'll get multiple crops out of that space instead of just one to two crops like you might get otherwise if you wait longer!
Pruning Your Plants
Pruning plants back is important, like tomatoes can get so massive and that's okay. It's actually really productive to be thinning plants like that so that you have more space and so that the plant is focusing on what it's producing. It's the same where you don't want to leave all the apples on your apple trees, you can pick some apples off so they can focus on producing nice big ones instead of just tons of little ones. It's exactly the same with our plants.
It's such an important step and it makes a big difference!
The same goes for pruning back branches and leaves otherwise the plant won't focus on growing the fruit, it's focusing on all the leaves and branches when your plant becomes a huge bush. Especially as we get towards the end of the season, that's so important to tell the plant what to focus on.
And for our fruiting plants, it's really important to tell them like, “Hey, you don't need to be making new baby leaves, it's time to focus on ripening that fruit!” We can signal that to the plant through different methods and pruning is one of them!

Our pollinator pot brings in a variety of pollinator, edible floral and herbal plants to bring your backyard or deck to life!